Wista Germany

Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association


Welcome to WISTA Germany

WISTA (Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association) is an international network for women at all levels of management in the maritime industry.

WISTA inspires, motivates and educates women in the maritime industry to expand their skills and support their careers. Furthermore, WISTA stands for a diverse network that represents all areas of the maritime industry.

Upcoming events

„Wista Technology: Sustainable Shipping – Learn, Discuss, Network and BBQ“
Mi, 07.08.2024
17.30-21.30 (Vortragsbeginn 18.00) Uhr

SMM Hamburg – WISTA Germany Panel Topic on "Women on Board" and PotY Award Ceremony
Mi, 04.09.2024
14:30 Uhr

Meet and Greet WISTA Germany and WISTA Members around the world – Sponsored by DNV /
Mi, 04.09.2024
16:00 Uhr

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