Wista Germany

WISTA Partner

HANSA - International Maritime Journal

Exclusive media partner Germany

Since 2022, WISTA Germany has entered into an exclusive media partnership with the Publishing House »Schiffahrts-Verlag Hansa GmbH & Co. KG (HANSA). The aim of this media collaboration is to raise awareness of WISTA, its members, and its goals within the industry while expanding its market perception.

Both partners mutually support each other in promoting their events and products within their respective networks. HANSA provides editorial coverage of WISTA’s activities. Up to four times a year, an editorial section dedicated to WISTA is published in the HANSA magazine.

WISTA Portraits in the Hansa magazin

The content of the WISTA section may include reports on current topics relevant to WISTA or interviews with WISTA members discussing WISTA’s objectives and goals or exploring career opportunities within the maritime industry. Since the inception of this partnership, the following interviews with WISTA members have been published:

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